2. Clear ALL cookies
3. Activate mail account at cn.mail.yahoo.com
(you get 100Mb storage first *don't worry*), then sign-out
NOTE: FYI, the two boxes in the activation page is lastname and firstname
Upgrading to 1Gb Yahoo China Account
1. Sign-in to Yahoo Messenger, add a contact, sign-out
2. Go back to cn.mail.yahoo.com (all pages would be in Chinese)
3. Click the 1G orange label (graphic) *look at the lower right of the page*
4. Type-in your Yahoo ID and Password *look at the bottom of the page*
5. You'll go to two more Chinese pages (Just click the bottom centered label in the page)
6. Tadah!! Your upgraded to 1Gb and your default is English with Free POP3
There's no pesky graphic or flash ads at the moment... but your email add would be username[at]yahoo.com.cn .
3. Activate mail account at cn.mail.yahoo.com
(you get 100Mb storage first *don't worry*), then sign-out
NOTE: FYI, the two boxes in the activation page is lastname and firstname
Upgrading to 1Gb Yahoo China Account
1. Sign-in to Yahoo Messenger, add a contact, sign-out
2. Go back to cn.mail.yahoo.com (all pages would be in Chinese)
3. Click the 1G orange label (graphic) *look at the lower right of the page*
4. Type-in your Yahoo ID and Password *look at the bottom of the page*
5. You'll go to two more Chinese pages (Just click the bottom centered label in the page)
6. Tadah!! Your upgraded to 1Gb and your default is English with Free POP3
There's no pesky graphic or flash ads at the moment... but your email add would be username[at]yahoo.com.cn .
*Lama dah trick ni tak tau masih dapat pakai lagi , hanya sekadar sebaran kepada rakan - rakan.
Salam ceria ,
Mr. J
http://jacky.pengerindu.com/ (Blog Bahasa Iban)
Subscribe untuk mendapatkan 10 ebook Percuma.

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