Jom kita main - main dengan Html pernah tak tengok kod untuk ayat bergerak ? . So kali ini Mr J bagitau untuk Gambar dan juga ayat pula bergerak , dengan Html ini kita mampu memeriahkan malah mencantikkan Myspace , Friendster dan tentu sekali para pengguna ,
This are the codes to make your contents move:
Of course, you can modify the direction...
And to modify the speed you can add the scrollamount after the direction, like this:
1 is the slower version, and 20 is the maximum.
*Untuk meletakkan Gambar anda perlu gantikan TEXT kepada kod ini : <img src="" />
To ADD an Image u Have to add this Code between the TEXT</marquee>
- How to adding Image ?
*Untuk meletakkan Gambar anda perlu gantikan TEXT kepada kod ini : <img src="" />
To ADD an Image u Have to add this Code between the TEXT</marquee>
<img src="" />
Host your picture at free hosting like
Change the Yellow Url to your own Picture .
Example below:
Host your picture at free hosting like
Change the Yellow Url to your own Picture .
Example below:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"><img src="" /></marquee>
- Continuous scrolling, from the left:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">TEXT</marquee>
- Text bouncing:
<marquee behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee>
- Scrolling upwards:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up">TEXT</marquee>
- Stop the mouvement whit the mouse (click and hold the mouse down!):
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" onmousedown="this.stop();" onmouseup="this.start();">TEXT</marquee>
- Stop the mouvement with the mouse (but without clicking!):
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">TEXT</marquee>
So, Selamat mencuba semoga trick kali ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu anda mencantikkan Blog atau Profile anda..
Salam ceria ,
Mr. J
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thx..aku da ingt balik nak gune dreamwever bile tgk coding ko ni..
potato n open hack clicked
hahuehuheuhue.. thank berbanyak2 dah lama aku carikk.. akhirnya.. cantik lah myspace adik nanti.
hBz , huhu.. i tak reti pakai dreamweaver.. software dia pun tak ade. hihi
adeq , aaaa.. jangan asyik myspace je.. belajar tau.
Keni ka nyimpan gambar dalam kod nya bro??
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"><img src="" /></marquee>
tambah kod tu
huh. culik satu kod ya MR J.
bestla... nak try yer Mr J... Thx 4d info
mamaaerish : , Cube jgn xcube...
menarik. thank 4 share...
good information Mr.J
Brisley Bujar , yup. sharing is caring . hhehieihe . thnk 4 visit.
cool.. thanks for sharing..
one is okay..
but if too many.. then can be annoying.. =P
kenwooi , thnk 4 drop.. yup .. put 1 is enough..
Добрый день!
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